Video Poker Introduction
Video poker has a power pull on gamblers. The combination of the legendary frontier game plus the best elements from slot machines creates a very powerful force.
Video poker is also popular because it seems inherently fair. There is no hidden house edge, or secret tight machines. Each draw is from a freshly shuffled deck, every player has a chance and a choice. Video poker is one of the few casino games that can have a positive financial expectation. Play the right machine, long enough, in the right way and video poker is guaranteed to pay back more than it takes in.
If you know poker then you know the basics of video poker. Beyond the ranking of the hands and the draw you will want to forget everything you know about table poker when playing video poker. You cannot bluff the computer, raise or call your bets. You simply decide which of the 5 cards to keep that the computer has dealt. Winners are paid according to a pay table which is posted on the machine.
On the whole video poker is one of the best values for your gambling dollar. However the commitment required for positive returns is not for everyone.